A Brilliant Leader is a person worth following.
A Kingdom Leader is a woman or man of faith who inspires trust. A leader who refreshes, renews, and restores by creating an atmosphere that shapes people.
They have the identity, thinking, lens, language, and outlook of one who does not embrace defeat.
They use authority to develop people as their primary initiative. They are mentors... those who can initiate, stay focused, and execute. They understand the test that faces their team and will prepare people to overcome, upgrade, and win.
All these categories involve people who can act as change agents of faith in shifting mindsets, roles, relationships, and identities in the context of who God is for us and who we are becoming!
These leaders guard against downstairs (worldly) thinking as they upgrade their perspectives and mindset (upstairs thinking) and move into new heights of understanding.
Kingdom leaders must help people see themselves in the context of team; this is vital for success. Leaders empower people to be the heroes of their own story as we call them up to a higher level.
God's promise for Brilliant Leaders?
God will be ALL in and ALL towards us as we walk in the favor He has set aside for us.